Monday, February 21, 2011

Great tools for project collaboration

In their latest release, binfire has introduced many innovative features which I will cover briefly two of them here.
  1. File Staring; which makes collaboration around a file very easy. By staring a file, you are following any changes made to that file. Other people in your project can star the same file. This way a group is created around a file. Everybody is notified about the status of the file at all times. Assume you create a document and assign it to one of your engineers to make corrections. Your boss is also interested to know when the document is ready. When you upload the file, the system automatically stars the file for you, your boss will star the document too. Now as soon as the engineer is done his job (always the engineer :) you and you boss are notified immediately. This way you and your boss get notified on time, and the engineer does what he likes and nothing else (he calls everything else BS!).
  2. User categories and permissions; The new release lets you create new user categories and give them unique permissions. The system has a few default catagories like manager, team member and so on. You can create supplier, customer, contractor or anything else you might need in you work. You can give each category its own permissions to the pages of you projects. You can control access to each page of your project with full access, read access or no access permissions. This way you control who sees what and can do in you project.
For a comparison of what binfire offers compared to the competition read binfire's blog Collaboration corner

Happy collaboration!

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